Water is to life as communication is to relationships. The amount of communication and how you communicate directly impact the quality of your relationships and how they thrive. Do you pay attention to how you come across? Consider the impact on your workplace (or any) relationships if you show up in any of these ways.
A FIREHOSE: When you’re on, you're ON! When you open your mouth, you are doing it to be the hero, save the day, and put out fires with your words. Your onslaught leaves people drenched and drowning in your opinions, so they have little energy to respond thoughtfully. What is the impact on your relationships if you are a firehose?
A WATERING CAN: You pay attention to your audience and are measured, thoughtful and intentional. You think about how much is too much and use some trial and error to see how much your input matters. You have the control to pull back, add, and pause when necessary. What is the impact on your relationships if you are a watering can?
A DRIPPY FAUCET: You listen in measured bouts until your thoughts build up and you blurt out whatever is on your mind. Like a controlled but unstoppable leak, it is important that you get the airtime even if the timing and commentary aren’t relevant or in support of the audience or situation. What is the impact on your relationships if you are a drippy faucet?