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Join date: Jun 23, 2021


Hi! My name is Andrea Raggambi and I'll be your facilitator and guide for this course!

I have been in the space of adult learning, training and leadership development for nearly 25 years. I have spent a lot of my time over these years learning about human behavior, how we are wired to aspire to our dreams and inspire others can be limited by simply assuming how we have done what we are doing now will continue to work for us in the future. As the saying goes, 'what got you here won't get you there', is a way of thinking that helps us push the pause button to make some different decisions if we haven't been getting the results in our lives that we want.

As an executive coach, I also seek opportunities to infuse extra curiosity in what I see, experience, think, and do. Creating programs, tools and resources is a fun and creative way for me to share and support my clients in their quest for increased self-fulfillment in their personal and/or professional lives.

Feel free to learn more about me by visiting this page on my website

Thank you!

Andrea Raggambi, PCC, CBC

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