Energy Leadership
We are all made of energy! It's a scientific fact. Quantum physics tells us each cell in our bodies possesses approximately 1.4 volts of energy. If multiplied by the number of cells in the body, about 50 trillion, this energy translates to over 700 trillion volts. With this energy, one person can power and illuminate a city for a week!
Energy Leadership is the way you are energetically showing up (being) to lead yourself and others. The Energy Leadership Index Assessment is a tool used to measure this energetic leadership. This data helps you understand where you are so you can choose to lead with more intention and fulfillment. The assessment helps us understand our energy on 7 levels (from catabolic, destructive energy, to anabolic, constructive energy). The image below highlights these levels and how people show up at each level which is also an incredible way to develop new personal awareness and accountability.
I use this tool in the BE phase of my WHO-BE-DO development process. The assessment provides a snapshot of your current perception and attitude towards life as well as your behavioral patterns and belief system. It has been tested and approved by thousands of individuals as well as numerous Fortune 500 companies.
The ELI is an attitudinal assessment designed to:
increase awareness of who you are and how you act;
provide clarity about what drives your perceptions, feelings, and actions so that you can recognize and change habits and patterns that are not producing the results you want;
help you respond (rather than react) to the stressors in your life in the way that you desire;
choose the types of responses which will work better for you to get the results you want
The ELI is a great option for you if you:
are a self-diagnosed 'people-pleaser' or feel compelled to 'fix' other people's problems;
find yourself regularly resisting what comes up in your life or struggling to “cope” instead of living in the flow of life;
lack self-trust or tend to be "in your head” a lot, or experience "analysis paralysis" around decision-making;
are used to conflict and often experience feelings of low energy, stress, overwhelm, or frustration at work and/or at home;
are an individual contributor, on a team, or a leader of others at work, and want to understand how you can show up to be and do your best.
My Quick Shift Coaching Package is focused on the Energy Leadership Index Assessment but this tool can be added to any coaching package, leadership, or team development program to gain quick, and immense insight into how your current levels of energy are bringing you closer or away from what you say you want.
There is also an ELI 360 which is an amazing professional development tool for leaders with growth mindsets who recognize the value in learning the perceptions of their supervisor(s), direct reports, peers, and vendors. The 360 is also an incredible team-building tool. Contact me to learn how we build it into leader development programs or create transformational team-building experiences that elevate and improve your team's dynamics, performance, and impact.
See a sample individual report